Aotearoa's hearing protection experts!
The Earjobs journey started back in 2005 when Aussie founder Cam went to one too many rock shows without proper hearing protection, only to find himself with ringing ears for days after. This inspired him and now us, his cousins, to build the regions premier hearing protection store. Recently, Earjobs jumped the pond, setting up a warehouse in Auckland, Aotearoa. After twenty years of scouring the globe for the best ear plugs, our offering is the most comprehensive anywhere in the world. What makes us so good at what we do is the fact we've dealt ourselves with hundreds of sleepless nights thanks to loud snoring partners or other distractions, ringing ears from raving late into the night as well as the pain and discomfort induced by mercilessly loud work environments. Not to mention the dozens of other common hearing related problems we offer solutions too. All this experience has made it clear. Protect your hearing now, because once it's gone it's not coming back.

At Earjobs we pride ourselves on our deep knowledge of hearing protection, our super fast delivery and our cheeky sense of humour. Regardless of whether you're looking for a single set of ear plugs or you're a business looking to protect an entire team we'll make sure you get the product you need to stay safe. So don't delay. Plug in and get the job done!